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The Newest Discoveries in Science


Life is Holodynamic*. That is, all life is part of one whole, dynamic information system. This view alters the very nature of what is possible in the human experience of life.

Everything you have ever been taught is not true. It is not that it’s false, it’s just that the truth is so much greater, so much more magnificent than anything you have ever been taught.”

Dr.Vernon Woolf, Ph.D.

Why Should I Be Interested?

To transform a single holodyne**, is to actually change the "physics of your mind". All limiting thoughts and behaviors of your mind can literally be changed. This allows you to truly design your life, and unfold your fullest potential. Once a person understands the holodynamic nature of life, they become "present" and gain the power to create extra-ordinary results in their lives.

In order to help people understand how to become present and unfold their greatest potential; we teach a series of seminars on “Unfolding Potential”.

  • Learn the ten processes of Holodynamics for achieving accelerated results

  • Transform holodynes (information systems) that control your experiences, situation, beliefs, and perception processes and access your personal power, wisdom, and creative intelligence

  • Gain greater freedom of choice, strength and effectiveness in all areas of your life

  • Solve problems that are usually resistant to change

  • Develop more genuine intimacy

  • Become more effective on the job

  • Let go of unwanted habits

  • Maintain a state of being at peace, gain composure, master patience, organize your inner world to respond effectively even to turbulent times

  • Master the skill of unfolding the potential that drives every set of circumstances

Holodynamics HOLODYNAMICS: nl. (ho-lo-di-nam-'iks), from "holo" meaning whole, and "dynamic" meaning effective force in motion. Holodynamics is the application of holographics, quantum physics, developmental psychology, information theory and other modern sciences to the understanding of consciousness and the unfolding of life potential

HOLODYNES: nl. (ho-lo-din’s), meaning whole units of cause, refers to specific information systems that control thoughts, feelings, actions and consciousness of individuals.

What Others Have Gained:

People who adopt a holodynamic view:

  • Consistently solve complex problems in society

  • Develop open trust and faith in life

  • Become more prosperous and abundance-minded

  • Consciously maintain better health, overcome persistent diseases

  • Increase self-awareness and dynamic personal growth

  • Overcome long-held, limiting emotional patterns

  • Reflect their new perspectives in their lives and communities

The Courses

Those who understand the Holodynamic view have organized a series of courses so everyone can learn this new and exciting view of life and gain, in an easy and fun way, the necessary skills to unfold their fullest potential. These courses are sequential, that is, they are designed to move from the basics to the complex applications. All courses are offered both Online and at specific locations (see Course Descriptions for details).

The Program

As people learn to access different dimensions of consciousness they develop an increased ability to transform consciousness. Their skills become more and more sophisticated. In addressing this, the Academy developed programs to assist people as they learned how to apply the information obtained in the courses. From each course evolves a specific type of assistant: advocate, consultant, practitioner, facilitator and implementer. A Teachers program was developed for those interested in teaching the course materials. Other programs, such as the Masters and Doctorate programs soon followed. The Wellness and Therapy Programs along with the Sustainability for those interested in creating more sustainable communities, has recently emerged (see Programs for more details).


There are texts for each course and each program. The introductory texts: Holodynamics and The Dance of Life outline how the information was discovered and how it has been applied to unfold potential in even the most complex situations. The Manuals (I - V) are sequential and provide detailed applications to each stage of development for the emergence of consciousness. These texts help you be more effective in dealing with the reality of your life. Manual III, for example, addresses relationships and intimacy. The Wellness Manifesto and The Therapy Manifesto apply the new information to health and psychotherapy and are used in the Wellness and Therapy courses. The science fiction story ELVES has received wide acclaim and provides an interesting view of how holodynamic consciousness can shift the grid of agony into a field of love (see Store: Books for more details).

Who Is Vernon Woolf

Dr. Vernon Woolf is Founder and Director of the International Academy of Holodynamics and Chairman of the Board of International Academy of Natural Science. He is the author of ten books and creator of the "Unfolding Potential" seminars. Following his degrees if physics, education, religious education, and his Ph.D. in psychotherapy, he became active in transformative work with families with drug abusers. His work with the mentally ill, problem youth and prisoners created extra-ordinary results. He applied Holodynamics in corporate America as a consultant and eventually his work in Russia transforming Communism resulted in commendations for his contributions to science and society. He can perhaps, be best described by the peace negotiations in the Middle East where he is known among the Arabs as "Foraig" or "solutions where none are evident." He is an outstanding motivational speaker and serves as personal consultant to individuals, families, and corporations where he helps people transform their conscious state of being and solve complex problems.

“Every problem is caused by its solution. Every challenge we face in life exists so we can manifest its solution.”

Dr.Vernon Woolf, Ph.D.

Holodynes are formed within the microtubules of living cells. They are caused by:


information received through sensory input


environmental modeling and collective quantum coherent frequencies


from information and energy coming from hyperspacial dimensions


with the help of other holodynes which are passed on from generation to generation as part of the genetic code within the microtubules of eggs and sperm


from self willed creation. Consciousness is found in all living creatures.

Holodynes within the microtubules help establish a quantum coherent set of frequencies which have causality in biological, psychological (including emotional and mental) functions, and determine all social and spiritual experiences of humans. The mechanisms by which consciousness emerges individually and collectively are explored in detail in Holodynamic Courses.

The processes by which one may access holodynes, determine their order of growth, and accelerate their maturity is called tracking. The process by which fields, arising from collectively held holodynes, are shifted (which creates shifts in collective consciousness), is called reliving (shifting fields of the past) and preliving (shifting fields of the future).

Understanding the holodynamic nature of reality, tracking and relive-prelive processing, creates extra-ordinary results and leads to:


more indepth understanding about health, disease and biological systems


deeper self understanding, appreciation and self empowerment


greater degrees of consciousness about consciousness


greater degrees of freedom, more power to fulfill dreams and personal potential


new levels of awareness about human development and growth


solutions to individual and collective pathologies


new insights and specific skills for developing intimate relationships and constructive, purposeful, mutually shared lives


a more complete science of reality


a better understanding of the relationship between human beings and the universe


a sense of greater connection with the wholeness of community and the living planet, how personal and collective intelligence functions, the mechanisms of collective consciousness and how to overcome collective pathologies, beyond war, ignorance, hunger and abuse.


integration of the information from the new sciences so as to be applied to the human situation, and sets the stage for the solution to most human problems.

For example, in this holodynamic universe, according to the basic premises of quantum physics, every set of circumstances is driven by potential. Thus:


every problem is caused by its solution,


every person has a Full Potential Self and


every person can use their Full Potential Self to solve any problem.

Holodynamics offers a series of seminars which TEACH SPECIFIC SKILLS on how to access the quantum potential field, give form to potential and manifest such potential in your daily living. Participants learn to live life more fully, more consciously which naturally leads to the solving of all types of problems and fulfilling every aspect of human potential. For example, in testing the practical application of holodynamics over the past three decades, holodynamists successfully:


overcame drug and substance abuse in six American cities


reversed mental illness in 80% of the population of a State Mental Hospital


rehabilitated hard core criminals in a maximum security prison


re-established academic standing for "at risk" gang members in Los Angeles


created a self help program among juvenile offenders in Las Vegas


established a coherence program for integration within large corporations in USA


assisted in the successful "turn around" of the former Soviet Union


created a rehabilitation program among Arab terrorists in Palestine


create consistent positive change in the lives of hundreds of thousands of people

For your information, Holodynamists are currently working together to create:


A global alliance for better managing the effects of global warming.


Super capacitor batteries for electric cars and energy storage.


The implementation of Waste Remediation Parks using the superplasmic arch


A self-monitoring health diagnosis and treatment system


Affordable housing for seniors.


Communities that are more self-sustaining


Food growing facilities that can survive in extreme weather conditions


Advanced water purification processes

People who adopt a holodynamic view:


consciously maintain better health, overcome persistent diseases


demonstrate increased self awareness and dynamic personal growth


become happier, more musical, active, involved people


create deeper, more loving, meaningful relationships


consistently solve complex problems in society and create new social orders which reflect their new perspectives


develop principle driven living habits, more open trust, faith in life and become more prosperous


maintain better ecological balance and a more universal perspective

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