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The PHOENIX PROJECT, sponsored by The International Academy of Natural Science, is dedicated to research, development and implementation of sustainable living for people of all ages and all ethnic and racial origin.

In order to insure sustainability, we humans must take the next step in our evolution and become stewards of the planet. The Phoenix Project is vital because it creates a way to effectively transform our toxic wastes into useful products. We can clean up our environment and insure vitalized sustainability for future generations.

This project creates thousands of new continual green jobs in every community, providing a new resource base for economic stability, a renewable source of energy, lessens our carbon footprint and helps balance the biosphere. So, there is a way and yes, we can do it.


  1. NewScience Article Oct. 11, 2007
  2. Startech Data

ATTACHMENT #1: NewScience Article Oct. 11, 2007: see

ATTACHMENT #2: Startech Data: see www.startech.net

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This page updated on: Monday, June 13, 2011

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