Olga Sokolova's Story
In her own words
Just now it is quite and beautiful snowing outside my window,
but at the 16 of December 1996 the real snowstorm happened
in our city and Vernon (Victor Vernon Woolf) had to stay
in Khabarovsk because all aviation companies had cancelled
all their flights… and thanks to that occasion people in
Khabarovsk had a chance to have not only the seminar of
1-st stage of Holodynamics, but the seminar of the next,
2-d stage too. After those seminars all participants started
actively to practice the new method. For me it was really
easy to start, because I was really motivated. I had a cancer
and along before Vernon seminar I was in the very intensive
search of effective ways to help myself and others. I was
really interested in finding the effective approach to support
people who are staying face to face with a death coming
to them closer with the every day; I wanted to help myself
and all those people who are trying to come out from the
hopeless situation.
All methods I found before the meeting with Vernon were
rather a kind of "partial" solution, helping not in whole
to the person and I felt a lack of integrity. And what was
really difficult - there was not any group of support for
patient with cancer in Russia before 1992 and methodologically
the psychological aspect of cancer was rather "terra incognito".
Patient with diagnosis "cancer "was a kind of social outcast
and such diagnosis meant death sentence with some respite
of execution time. People had to die just because of fear
in hopeless situation. Social situation was a real killer
for a lot of people: hopelessness; lack of money; betrayal
of your own family; violence in relations; impossibility
to change a life, etc. Exactly because of everything like
this during 1995-1996 we've lost 18 women.
In July 1994 I've organized a group of support in Khabarovsk
and named it - Surviving School HOPE. It became the 4-th
of such group in Russia.
So about two years before Doctor Woolf arriving in Khabarovsk
we were in desperate need of knowledge and experience in
psychotherapeutic work with oncological patients and, what
was even more difficult, psychotherapists in Russia were
afraid to work in oncology.
At the seminar Vernon have shown us how to track holodynes
which are controlling the cancer. The women he worked with
are still alive and remember Vernon with a Love. At the
2-d seminar in April 1997 in Khabarovsk Vernon made a tracking
with the Alexander, who was at the 3-d course of chemotherapy
because of lymphogranulomatosis. Now Alexander is healthful
and successful businessman.
Thanks to those practical examples we understood better
how the new approach is working and started to use it actively
in our work.
Our group of support had no any official status, because
the appropriate law article for such community appeared
in Russia later, in 1998. Everything in "Hope" was doing
by volunteers.
Else was very difficult to work because the new medical
direction "Psychosomatic illnesses" appeared officially
in Russia only in 1998. So before that moment psychotherapeutic
work in oncology was in a kind of persecution. The common
point of view was - "only oncologist could decide how and
how long the patient will live and the psychotherapist is
a destroying element of the cancer healing process, so all
psychotherapists should be taken out of oncological clinic…
as well as all patient relatives.
So, now you know in what situation in age of 49 I had to
become a student of psychological faculty. After that I
wrote a book "Rehabilitation Problems of Patience with Cancer"
describing 9 techniques of work. In total 9! And only 1
- Russian!!
And there were no more, because the only one - Andrey Gnezdilov,
Doctor of Medicine in Russia, psychotherapist, story-teller,
sculptor, musician and artist - used to work with the oncological
aspect in Russia. He is an author of image-therapy. In 1990
together with English journalist Victor Zorza, whose daughter
died because of cancer, Andrey created the very first in
Russia Hospice.
Later we've become friends with Andrey Gnezdilov. But in
December 1996, walking along full of snow streets after
Vernon Woolf seminar, I didn't know about this and a lot
of others events on my future way.
At the snowing day in December 2002, in Moscow in Pushkin
Museum I was awarding with the premium "For the Selfless"
for the input in medicine of Russia in the field of psychological
support of patients with cancer. Later in 2005 I was nominated
within the project "Nobel Prize - 1000 women of the World."
I didn't know that a lot of things would meet their "moment
of truth" in future. Such as calumny, persecution, rumors,
gossips, treachery of children, divorce with husband, confrontation
with medical system and religious fanatics, protection of
own "good name", parting with those whom I loved and who
loved me.
At the same time a lot of beautiful things were waiting
me in future. The help from people whom I love and who love
me, the obtaining of recognition of all efforts made for
God's and people sake. New people and joyful events. New
ways and discoveries. Farewells, forgiveness, declaration
of love, gratitude and thanksgiving, and love to me just
because I am in the world.
I didn't know. And I was feeling sad. Because I was overwhelmed
with the loneliness of this person, which were that moment
already somewhere in the sky on his way from Khabarovsk.
Because of presentiment of something bigger than we are,
unavoidable no matter how strongly we will want to avoid
Then an intensive work started. A lot of work. A lot of
tracking processes were done. Different cases, different
reasons. And with every new process something were changing
inside of me and in the world outside. Now we are taking
this without saying, very naturally, but at the very beginning
such changes seemed to us very amazing, as miracles.
The way back to ourselves was not easy. Step by step, from
one process to others, we were changing the old ways of
thinking and actions, and what was really challenging -
we had to be always ready to take gifts of Full Potential.
And sometimes it was the most difficult part on our way.
Now 10 years have pasted from the first seminar.
Several tens of Holodynamics seminars I've organized by
myself or with friends. About 40 seminars in different regions
and topics: art-therapy, personal growth, psychological
consulting, Helinger method, and rehabilitation of patient
with cancer. Plus 940 meetings of the group of support "Hope".
I've published two books with a number of stories about
people who had a cancer. The title of one of stories written
by Alla Golik sounds as "Oncology - different country".
Twice I was in USA. Within the project "Community Connection"
I visited Alaska in 2002 and Los-Angeles in January-February
of this year. The project is financed by USAID. Thank to
this project, the translator of our group Anya Sosnovskaya
and my friends Lon and Natasha from Portland I met with
Doctor Vernon Woolf and the meeting gave me such happiness
for all of us and the new impulse for development.
At the 18-20 of May in Ekaterinburg Lubov Hoklova will
hold a symposium "Problems of Person and Society in a transition
period as the resource for the development. Transmodal subjective
and Holodynamic approaches". About 30 reports are planed
now for the symposium. Lubov could tell you much more about
Holodynamics in Russia because she is one in Russia who
is trying to achieve an official recognition and license
for Holodynamics.
I am working as a psychologist - consultant, practitioner
and I have no time for developing scientific terminology.
My job is people - their lives, health, relations and family
systems with all their connections.
The name of my city is Khabarovsk. It's not the name of
project, it is a city. The name of the project, which is
working for patients with cancer; is called "Choice - Life".
The mottos of the project are: "Celebrate a Life!" "World
is starting from Home;" "Nobody could take our way."
Usually the rehabilitation process is taking from 3 to
5 years. Very seldom - 1 year. So rather long process, because
it include all aspects and, of course, all six levels.
Not for all people Holodynamics works from the very beginning
and sometimes I had to try some other methods to "turn on"
the interest, so to find a space for joint creativity of
therapist and patient. In my own life it works and in result
there is a huge transition - from being critically ill to
the way of realizing the whole beauty of mine Full Potential.
Lubov Latypova wrote the book "Dreams I live in" with description
of all processes, which happened with us after Vernon Woolf
seminars. This book is published in the Internet and could
be find at the site: http://efee.ru/shop/sny.html All opinions,
references and photos you could find here. Look please it
is really interesting.
Lubov is living now in Colorado, Fort Collins and you could
communicate with her by phone 970-493-4388 or email: lloveru@yahoo.com
. Lubov is a journalist, speaks English very well and will
be happy to explain you the specific of Holodynamics development
in Russia.
Best regards,
Olga Sokolova
The chief of NGO "Chance for Hope"
Khabarovsk, Russia
Phone 8 (4212) 222-471
Translator: Ludmila
Lyametz - Holodynamists and student Dr. Woolf
1996-97 years.