The forms outlined below are designed to support the certification process in supporting your qualifications sessions. These records are a necessary part of the record maintained by the Academy and are used to qualify you for teaching Holodynamics Courses on a professional basis.
1. Submit to the Academy a letter of interest, along with a detailed resume of your professional experience.
2. Submit Teacher’s Application Form and the application fee of $10,000.
3. Apply for a Sponsor certified at the Bachelor’s level who will incorporate your teaching validation into their workshop.
4. Teaching documentations as outlined above
5. Completed Verification Forms from sponsor for each teaching experience until all the contents and courses within the complete workshop have been taught, mastered and approved by Sponsor.
6. Notes from personal log book in support of your experience and ability to teach.
7. Completed Teacher’s Exam
All forms and reports are to be submitted to the Sponsor, whose responsibility it is to mentor you through the degree process by answering questions, making suggestions or recommendations, and generally monitoring your progress as it relates to building teaching skills.
Upon completion, the Sponsor observations, along with the required forms, will be submitted to the Academy as a part of your certification requirements.
It is necessary that both the Sponsor and the Teaching applicant maintain the detailed records outlined in these requirements in the unlikely event that a challenge to their competency would occur from an outside source. In this case, the detailed records would serve to support your qualifications. |