Introduction |
As an Academy-certified Systems Consultant, you will be in a position of public trust. You will be addressing the systems within which people operate such as social systems within frameworks of business, education, government, churches, clubs, etc. Your knowledge and experience become transformational tools that lead to positive change in individuals, relationships and in the collective consciousness. As a Certified Consultant, you may charge for the professional services you perform, and you may also receive referrals from the Academy if desired. You will also become eligible to become a sponsor to future Consultant applicants, if you choose. At your request, members of the Academy are available to assist in supporting you as you progress into deeper levels of expertise and potentialization. |
General Requirements |
In order to receive a Systems Consultant Certificate from the International Academy of Holodynamics, the following requirements must be met:
- Be active as a Certified Personal and Relationship Consultant, having successfully completed all requirements as defined.
- Advocate a Holodynamic view of reality to others, which means demonstrating a multi-dimensional perspective, embracing new information that relates to consciousness from various branches of science such as quantum physics, holographics, self-organizing information systems, etc.
- Be able to access enfolded dimensions in hyperspace to allow direct communication with one’s Full Potential Self.
- Develop the ability to access the holographic dimensions of consciousness where self-organizing information systems called holodynes control one’s thoughts, feelings and actions both individually and collectively.
- Communicate with holodynes of the individual, the relationship and other field dimensions, understand the implicate order of their growth, and as needed, be able to apply information in a way that assists in their transformation to a more evolved form of consciousness.
- Be skilled at coaching others to reach the potential of their relationships, which may include tracking, relationship coaching and the relive/prelive process.
- Advocate the extension of this process into the larger community through potentialization, following the progression of the six stages of development.
- Demonstrate mastery of the academic information and the skills necessary to perform professionally as a Systems Consultant.
Required Skill Demonstration |
Prior to receiving a Systems Consultant Certificate, each applicant must be able to demonstrate the ability to track multidimensional holodynes, shift fields of consciousness and function as a professional Field Shifting Consultant. The following requirements are designed to document the required abilities and skills and to provide a record for the Academy and for the Applicant:
1. Submit a Proposed Project Request supporting your skills to the Academy for Approval, including the following:
a. System circumstances to be addressed
b. Why a change is called for
c. Proposed/desired changes
d. Plans for implementing transformations
e. Who will be involved
f. The part each person will play
g. Estimated time-line of the project
h. Estimated cost of the project
i. Source of project funds, materials, participants or other necessary components
j. Outline/blueprint for moving forward
2. Maintain an updated log book, reporting progress being made throughout the process to sponsor.
4. Document project sessions and submit the following: Detailed written (typed) reports on 21 sessions conducted with project participants (tracking, relationship, relive-prelive) that led to the transformation of the system.
5. Arrange for sponsor to closely follow your progress as documented with 3 personal visits to the location, conference calls, or personal interviews with 3 active participants.
6. Complete written exam which can be obtained from your sponsor. |
Forms Submission and Application Process |
The forms outlined below are designed to support the certification process in supporting your qualifications sessions. These records are a necessary part of the record maintained by the Academy and are used to qualify you for performing sessions on a professional basis.
1. Submit the Systems Consultant Application and application fee of $3000.
2. Apply for a Sponsor who is already certified as a Systems Consultant who will supervise your progress through the certification process. The sponsor will answer your questions, support you where needed, observe your abilities to transform system Holodynes and will review all of your documentation in the applicant process. They will be responsible for recommending your competence to the Academy for certification.
3. Systems Consultant Declaration Form
4. Reports as outlined above
5. Completed Verification Forms for three project participants
6. Completed Systems Consultant Exam
All forms and reports are to be submitted to your Sponsor, whose responsibility it is to mentor you through the experiential process by answering questions, making suggestions or recommendations, and generally monitoring your progress as it relates to building coaching skills.
Upon completion, the Sponsor observations, along with the required forms will be submitted to the Academy as a part of your certification requirements.
It is necessary that both the Sponsor and the Systems Consultant applicant maintain the detailed records outlined in these requirements in the unlikely event that a challenge to their competency would occur from an outside source. In this case, the detailed records would serve to support your qualifications. |