Alice (a land manager) has a vision of what she wants to create on the land they share. Larry and Vicki came onto the property earlier in time with an agreement to assist the older couple living their with various personal needs. Sally inherited them as “caretakers” and is frustrated that she cannot “get” them interested to come into alignment with her intentions for the land. They have shown an interest in taking Holodynamic principles seriously, but cannot really relate.
Alice has told them if they can’t align with a sustainable demeanor she will need to find someone else to be there. It has been a frustrating journey for them all so far. Her efforts to track them or teach them to track have not met with success. We agreed to meet altogether to discuss.
Prior to our meeting together Alice and I held two trackings to bring her back to a place of peace personally.
The session began with a general introduction of how Holodynamics came about and that it offered an effective tool for transforming any unwanted circumstance into something more desirable. It was agreed that everyone was experiencing the desire to improve their present circumstances.
We have a lesson in what tracking was and how and why it works. Larry shared that his attempts to make sense of it so far had not been productive.
It was also stated that how-to participation would be appreciated, so they could learn the process to be able to do successfully on their own.
Example of Tracking
The example that we were given with which to demonstrate the tracking process was Larry’s addiction to nicotine. The wife was also addicted as was the daughter.
The addiction image that appeared was a strong, solid, black, rough triangle. It wouldn’t talk, didn’t know anything, wanted nothing, had no intentions, etc. etc. etc. It wouldn’t budge.
This prompted us to address a simpler issue so it could see how easy it was. We went to address the frustration that Larry had around it’s not being willing to cooperate. The frustration appeared as
a large red ball. It wanted information and knowledge. It was introduced to his place of peace. It transformed into a red canoe on the creek where it could enjoy a place in the rapids.
The rapids would bring to it a constant and exciting flow of knowledge coming in from another place. The red ball (frustration) turned into the red canoe (joyful participation).
We took the canoe back to the triangle to show it our intentions. We talked to it first lovingly, then more sternly. Its edges softened—smoothed a bit and it began to talk a little. It wanted attention. It wanted a different response.
For over an hour we talked with it and showed it many, many options, and we showed it again the transformation for the ball/canoe. It did say it would rather be in a joyful state, but absolutely stayed black and sullen and again went silent.
Lesson in Prelive
There were several observations I made in the watching of the dynamics. Vicky’s hands kept moving over to Larry to stroke him as if to show her support, but underneath the support was a powerful message of needing to rescue in a way that didn’t honor he could do the process without her encouragement. In short I could read “co-dependent/enabler” dynamics throughout. The daughter was basically forced to be there and was making an effort to be present while at the same time she was also feeling a victim of their circumstances. She was the only person in the family who had a driver’s license so she had driven them there.
All along this journey we dealt with Larry’s tendency to be unsure of the presence of his FPS, and would substitute with a linear comment or analysis when he felt he wasn’t connected. We kept guiding him back. I suggested to Vicky that her stroking may be part of what was drawing him back into linear. (There were actually quite a few telltale dynamics all occurring simultaneously, and all supported the fact that we needed to look deeper into the origin).
Guides were dog Patch, grandpa and all FPS’s.
Scene #1
We were shown that Larry’s grandfather and the grandfather’s mother were addicted. That was about all there was to that scene. They were enjoying a fishing expedition and smoking.
Scene #2
Fire circle with 4 Native Americans, Larry and his grandfather. They had struck a peace accord and were celebrating with the smoking of a peace pipe. We took note that the smoking was a result of the peace—that the peace was not a result of the smoking.
Scene #3
People using smudge pots to create pest control and warmth for crops—using smoke as good tool. No other message here.
Scene #4
Cigar factory. Many people outside on their break smoking. The concept of cigars for money grew out of their interest in profitable commerce. Smoking had gradually grown into general acceptability and they were not aware of the pitfalls.
Scene #5
An overview of how smoking progressed.
The message was to demonstrate how—in their limited understanding of tobacco—people were asleep to the unwanted effects of nicotine. It had just kind of crept up on them. The important thing for us to see was that they had been asleep to the whole process and now they can awake. There are still choices they can make but now those choices can be made consciously, and with awareness and knowledge.
We had taken the black triangle on this journey so he could gain the benefit of the message, and just as we turned to address his response he jumped in and said “I want to be fresh air….Fresh air for everyone, lots of it, for everybody”.
Larry described the new demeanor as being life sharing, glorious, radiant, like getting a new life. He felt it in his lungs which were happy. He talked about being more green—more plants, keeping cool, creating more oxygen.
As his new companion the fresh air would be literally with him (and everyone else) all the time with each new breath, and from this it gained the attention it sought and wanted more of.
We addressed the aspect that this transformation went deeper than the object of nicotine, but went to his becoming personally empowered, and from that place would be able to create whatever new scenario he chose in his life. (We talked about resonance, the collective field, etc. etc. etc.)
Shifting to Paradise
The conversation then shifted to Alice’s desire to use the land like a blank canvas on which to design a workable, sustainable example where creative, conscious people would gravitate. We looked at how the dynamic of self empowerment would be in alignment with the intensions of the project, and how that would benefit the individuals while benefiting the group. (We had previously covered the lesson about individual choices versus being stuck in the collective mindset, and how we could be in both places at the same time. And how everything is contagious, but updraft is more contagious than downdraft, etc, etc, etc,)
Larry “got” how the process worked. We had a lesson about what he might expect when processing Vicky. How to listen to the lifeform of the potential in guiding the process rather than applying a set of steps. We went back over the process for review from a learning perspective, showing how the process itself was our guide.
And we talked about how to stay in a place of being able to hear what was shared with us out of the experience. Everybody was quite pleased and off to a beautiful day—out into the fresh air!