Holodynamics and Quantum Computer Models

By V. Vernon Woolf & Ron Blue

Holodynamics is the study of the whole dynamic. The whole dynamic demonstrates that reality is holographic (or more accurately, "holodynamic"). The universe also appears to be conscious. As such, Holodynamists take an interest in various aspects of consciousness including the developing science of what is referred to as artificial intelligence (AI). Perhaps the most promising attempt to create artificial intelligence can be taken from efforts to develop a quantum computer using simultaneous states or superpositions. In this model, three simultaneous states occur at the same time thus bringing us one step closer to understanding the universe as a holodynamic state of being and thus the nature of human consciousness. In this article I would like to explore the principles underlying some of the work on quantum computers and show how these principles have possible applications to better understand of the collective consciousness of humans.

In traditional or classical computer models, a single electron is used to store information according to the direction of its spin around the nucleus of an atom. One direction is labeled "plus" and another "minus" or "zero" and these directions are used in a bipolar opposition to one another. One represents "on" and the other "off" position for information storage. The quantum model has changed this to using a "neutral" position to represent simultaneous superposition conditions in bipolar oppositional states. Rather than depending on one electron to store information as in traditional models, the quantum model uses all the electrons in a "neutral" charge coupled position to store information in oppositional states of neutrality.

When it comes to consciousness, the effect of conscious "binding", or the phenomenon of association, uses, for example, global/local interactions. This results in a representation of a singularity or oscillon/perceptron that has all the characteristics of oppositional superposition states of neutrality. So the quantum AI model has some interesting applications to the field of consciousness studies. This model provides some interesting bridge information in the apparent gap between current computer design, artificial intelligence that can more closely simulate human consciousness, and consciousness itself.

Furthermore, as we expand the model to include the entire holodynamic view, nature has already manifest intelligence in myriads of variations. Our exploration of consciousness has already demonstrated that all intelligence is connected and that consciousness is, in reality, a collective superimposed phenomenon. In order to better understand the nature of consciousness, the quantum computer model provides some promising insights that may have direct application in the field of AI and deep implications for the growing science of consciousness.

To continue, conventional quantum mechanics suggests using the particle nature of electrons so their spin characteristics can be used to represent bits of information. This is done by using the spin of an electron and changing it from one spin direction to the opposite to represent one bit of on or off. At the same time, it is well known that electrons simultaneously possess the qualities of wave and particle. This simultaneous state is referred to a "superposition" in which electrons exist only as potential until given form.

The possible use of superposition holds great potential for the computer industry, in the search for artificial intelligence and in understanding of human consciousness.  Since the "superposition" is on/off at the same time, it can be applied to energy fields. In quantum mechanics, for example, light is quantitized in packets or jumps of energy. Electrons are also quantitized into orbital position around "neutral" atoms. Quanta energy is released in bundles and these bundles can be collectively added to and subtracted from to provide a mean sum combination of quanta energy. This usually results in a normal distribution curve or probability curve. A coin, for example, has a reasonable probability, when thrown in the air, of landing either on heads or tails. Many coins, thrown concurrently, will generate a unique pattern forming a normal curve of distribution.

The entire distribution curve is actually a bipolar distribution caused by classical and quantum physical realities. In other words, it is a bipolar interaction between particle and wave dynamics. One half is the key to understanding the quantum mechanics of consciousness and one half is understanding the classical physics of consciousness. In order to build a better (and simpler) computer, create better artificial intelligence, or understand the nature of consciousness, our model must include particle, wave and holodynamic superpositions or states of being which include the whole dynamic.

In holodynamic theory, the Full Potential Self is considered the superposition of personal consciousness and the collective, God, is the superposition of all Full Potential Selves or of all individual intelligence acting as a whole. This raises the question as to what causes the collective to form into parts. Another way of asking this question, is to ask what causes wave dynamics to form into particles. How does the whole form into parts?

Kane (1998) recognized that a quantum computer can only exist in a system that is isolated from its environment and would dissipate no energy during the computational process. Under normal circumstances these requirements would be exceedingly difficult to accomplish. However, evidence indicates that a quantum potential field holds the potential for both particle and wave functions at one and the same time. In quantum reality, the collective holds the potential for individual and collective consciousness at one and the same time. It is both bipolar and superpositioned at one and the same time.

Penrose and Hammeroff (1996, 1997) suggest that quantum gravitational collapse is sufficient to create a stable information field within the protected environment of, for example, the microtubules. Thus consciousness can be housed within the microtubules of every living thing. Hammeroff, an anesthesiologist, has demonstrated that the anesthetization of microtubules does, in fact, stop all signs of consciousness. It stops all pain, memory, neural activity, neural growth, brain elasticity, and biochemistry. The question remains, how does consciousness form within the protected environment of microtubules especially when the microtubules contain only ion pure water.

In applying this principle to quantum computers, Kane provides evidence for the use of arrays of nuclear spins with locations in donor silicon. He argues that such arrays could provide ways to perform independently and in parallel measurements on each spin in the array. To understand how this could occur, one must consider the whole as one and the one as made of various parts. By starting with a large number of qubits, or all the possible configurations of spin states of all the electrons in, for example, a transistor, one can use the whole to form useful quantum calculations if the inputs are quantitized and the calculation is split into half. This may be the simplest way to create artificial intelligence that incorporates quantum dynamics.

The deflection or pathways consist of two qualities - positive and negative. In other words, zero, the superposition, is deflected into two directions - 1/2 positive and 1/2 negative quantitized information. Within information systems, all polarizations, including all their complexities, could be the result of this bipolar characteristic of particle and wave dynamics.

Within human intelligence, the superposition or Full Potential Self represents the choice point or state of being, from which a person decides which game to play and the position one will take within the game. In quantum computers the name Neutronics was chosen to represent this reality of making calculations in zero or superposition. In biological systems the valence shifting dimer switches of that make up the walls of the microtubules evidently provide the necessary compensation.

In searching for more advanced artificial intelligence, Hempfling's (1994) efforts lead to the development of the Neutronics Dynamic System (NDS). By using what is called a NPN bipolar transistor in a circuit with a photodiode and a 9V power supply, it was noted that the NDS produces an output voltage that correlates with the intensity of light stimulating the photodiode without drawing any current from the battery. Light intensity is transformed to an electrical signal that is stored as quantitized information in a charge coupling configuration.

In reality, this bipolar process is currently expensive. However efforts were made to use special circuitry and a bipolar junction transistor of the PNP variety by Spencer (1997). Hempfling (1998) reports the following:

"The system we have chosen is anyonic in nature. It is created by suppressing the +1 non-symmetric positive charge state to near neutral in relation to the null. The result is a released inverted -1 antisymmetric charge state (fig 1) analogous to the anyon which is variable from the minimum amount of energy (amplitude as used in the system in relation to its +1 state) to the minimum amount of energy (amplitude as used in the system in relation to its null state). The resulting charge (energy) state is anti-positive and therefore is not environmentally effected."

In other words, it does not take energy to think. Hempfling uses a new approach to describe the logic in the Neutronics Dynamic System.

"The new approach has been termed, Triologic . The term Triologic is coined so as to describe the condition of three states of charge, -1, null, and +1. The logic employed in Triologic is the variable between -1 and null having been created by the near neutral state of null and +1. In order to comprehend this has been provided for replication of the -1 charge state. The method of measurement used is opposing to the +1 method, as the system is upside down to standard electronics.

In Holodynamics, we view triologic consciousness as rational (particle) thinking, emotional (wave) thinking, and being (superpostion aligned with one's Full Potential Self). Both rational and emotional processes have an "updraft" and a "downdraft" potential with a choice point at neutral. The updraft dynamic refers to alignment with life forces that expand each event horizon (an enclosed or "binded" information system) into new manifestations of consciousness. The downdraft dynamic refers to alignment with death or chaos forces that contract each event horizon in the collapse of consciousness.

Correlation with both ancient and modern schools of thought indicate that consciousness emerges according to a deep implicate order in which updraft and downdraft dynamics are universally present at each new event horizon. We named each new event horizon a stage of development and each stage of development was outlined in detail as to its emergent patterns (see Woolf 1990).

Within the new model of quantum computers, the updraft and downdraft dynamics can be calculated. A specific cell can be employed to control the variation of the negative side of a power cell (any variation device will suffice). Measuring this device requires connecting the positive probe of a volt meter to the positive pole of the power cell and the negative probe of the volt meter to the output of a transistor (NPN) neutral chamber, to read a positive voltage on the meter (which is actually an anti-positive voltage). This creates the initial anyon value in a coherent single frequency value charge state. The notation is (((P-N)/2)+N)=T where T is the tertiary output of a combinatorial blending of identical frequencies. It remains in the -1 charge state unless the value passed by the cell is overloaded and equals the opposition to the positive value thereby releasing a discrete packet of energy and nullifying the causes.

By using an NPN transistor as a charge coupling device, information exists in parallel in an entangled neutral state of positive and negative in a neutral zone. This duplicates in a primitive way, the nature of consciousness in humans where good and bad, for example, exist in parallel at the choice point in which an individual is deciding which alternative to take.

When measuring voltage outputs in the NPN version of the Neutronics Dynamic System (NDS) it is necessary to state the measurement procedure. One method is the Negative Reference Method (NRM) and the other is the Positive Reference Method (PRM). The results observed are different because of the way information is correlated into an oppositional ratio enhanced process or Correlational Oppositional Ratio Enhanced processing or CORE processing.

This becomes the operational definition of matrix algebra where a x b = c, b x a = d, and c is not equal to d.  Matrix algebra is a well known property of quantum mechanics. The method of measuring the voltage is determined by the terminal of the battery as a reference system. Negative for the negative terminal and positive for the positive terminal. The volt meter must be turned to the AC reading even though the power supply is a 9 volt battery. It is rather strange to observe this effect and the different readings due to the learned experiences of the machine. This ability to learn is the essence of artificial intelligence.

The Negative Reference method of measuring voltage is used for conventional circuits. The Positive Reference method is used for measuring Neutronics voltages. The entire system becomes self organizing.

While voltage varies in the circuit due to experiential quantum encoding over a clock speed of 28 hertz, the actual information is stored and retained in a neutral zone. The neutral zone is like magnets in a field. If you move one, it resets others. The "memory" of the machine  is the current configuration of positions. These positions are neutral mirror reflections of each other in a positive/negative duality. Information that is put into the system is quantitized with prism circuits so that the quantitized information interacts. The information exists until the next quantitized information is put into the neutral chamber.

This phenomenon of self organization and quantum resetting, is characteristic of all intelligence. It is the premise for the tracking, reliving and preliving processes taught in Holodynamics. Once new information, especially vital new information, is introduced into an information set, the entire set resets. If an alignment with one's chosen potential, existing within the quantum field at any given moment in time, is introduced into a set which is blocked in the manifestation of its potential, the new information resets the entire field and allows for the emergence of the new potential.

In quantum computers the clock speed is set at 28 hertz. Memory of 3.24 trillion qubits is updated at a slow clock speed and looped like a snake eating itself. The slow update allows the 3.24 trillion qubit field to set itself relative to local and non-local positions. The slow update allows a long reference time in loop memory.

The time, for example, in the current model "Ricci" is about 7 minutes. The technology allows the time for memory to be 45 years before it is lost in harmonic loop memory. The memories formed are associational or correlated memories and model how microtubule memory may form according to the Correlational Opponent Processing Theory. (COP theory can be found at http://www.enticypress.com ).

The memories are formed in a quantum field and strengthened due to the interaction of the Correlational Oppositional Ratio Enhanced processing in the particle half.

Within the microtubules, memory is formed in the quantum potential field, evident at the center of the microtubule as a field of non-organized water molecules with the capability of transmitting hyperspacial information, faster than the speed of light. This accounts for collective consciousness or "swarm intelligence" as outlined by Kelly (1996).

It also accounts for information coming form parallel worlds. All such information takes form as the Full Potential Self of each individual and is transmitted through single strings of water molecules into holodynes or self organizing information systems that accumulate on the surface of the inner wall of the dimer switches. This entire process is enhanced by sensory input coming from each of the senses. These senses also contain a quantum dynamic or potential wave and particle dynamics at one and the same time. This accounts for the holographic nature of consciousness.

The periphery of the eye, for example, reflects the context of vision while the fovea reflects the content. Light, striking the eye, is filtered through fine grained screens of the fovea, which give it particle form, and gross grained screens of the periphery which give it wave form. These two forms are ionically "spun" when they meet within the optic nerve and transmitted directly into the central nervous system for storage in the microtubule system as holodynes. Holodynes are self-organizing information systems that have the power to "cause" within the system. They have the power to "resonate" their information via Frohlech frequencies (10 to the minus 33/sec). These frequencies create quantum coherence among all bodily functions. This allows us to consciously take action. When we want to pick up an object, for example, the message goes to the hand and not the ear or some other part of the body.

The microtubule enhances new information into long term storage by growing a biological system of arms, or Microtubule Associated Protein Strings (MAPS). Each MAPS is situated at exactly the harmonic cross over point, as when a guitarist puts his finger on a certain place to create a certain note. So MAPS create a holding function for quantum frequencies thus holding them in place for long term memory.

Consider the interactions of electrons in a capacitor. In a simple circuit two charged plates connected to a power source will generate a standing interaction of opposites. One side will be positive and the other negative. The only current flow is when the capacitor is charging to capacity and the voltage is removed. A capacitor functions then as a battery or a storage of informational energy. Such informational energy can be amplified and generate music in a radio or digital information for a computer.

Atoms are neutral because the electrons are balanced with the positive charge of the protons. A capacitor is neutral because the charge is balanced with a positive and a negative side. A transistor can be used as a special type of on/off capacitor. A large power input into a capacitor will cause it to explode. A large charge into a transistor will cause it to explode. In a simple quantum computer the goal is to make calculations in neutral. The goal being to input quantitized information and allow the circuit to calculate its neutrality over a long period of time. Too much information, or information that does not correlate or have coherence, will cause the system to explode or break down. Thus the cause of emotional breakdowns and other forms of mental stress or illness.

A transistor has some important qualities that allow it to be used as a quantum computer. Consider, for example, the short distance between the positive charge side and the negative charge side; this allows the formation of very high capacitance. Also, consider the reverse flow of positive holes and the Hall effect as an oppositional balancing and calculating force. Also consider the high resistance to reverse current flow that is different from a traditional capacitor. Information can be encoded on a transistor as a unique pattern of positions of holes and electrons in the neutral zone of a transistor acting as a charge coupling device. That information is equal to about 3.24 trillion qubits that can be treated as one bit.

Why is this important? Because the information is oppositional or an opponent to each other and in balance. This describes precisely the state of affairs that microtubules model according to holodynamic theory. The nature of quantum states of information form according to an emerging order where each stage of development emerges in quantitized oppositional steps, each with an updraft and downdraft dynamic and each with choice at every moment in time.

In a quantum computer, information formed in the circuit consisting of an activating wavelet or stimulus and an opponent wavelet formed from the weighted memory stored in the neutral chamber. It is interesting to note that information formed within the isolated environment of the microtubules, consists of an activating wavelet or stimulus from sensory input. This sensory input has both particle and wave dynamics that have been integrated and "spun" for entry into the isolation chamber of the microtubule. This is received then, as an opponent wavelet weighted according to the screen controlling mechanisms of what is already stored in the microtubules.

In other words, when a specific information system, a holodyne, is in control, the fine grained screens and the gross grained screens, that are giving form to the potential of light entering the eye (or to any and all sensory input mechanisms - see Pribram), control the form of the incoming light. They weight the information for integration. (From a superposition, the entire bio-perception system exists as part of a hyperspacial bipolar feedback network. That is, information is also coming from hyperspace into the microtubules through quantum potential wormholes).

There is a nanosecond delay in the feedback of the negative wavelet or oscillation. Memory wavelets filter or neutralize incoming information that is congruent. This allows information that is novel or new to proceed. This results in a total scenario of holodynamically processing of information. 

Among a flock of birds, for example, high speed photograph shows that, as a hawk approaches the flock, there is a "first bird" who sees the hawk. It takes 1/70 of a second for the vision of the hawk to reach the microtubules of the first bird and register danger. It takes and additional 2/70 of a second for the holodynes within the microtubules to cause the body of the first bird to begin to fly away from the danger. An interesting fact is that it takes the entire flock only that last 2/70 of a second to begin to fly away once a single bird has registered the presence of danger. The lack of the need for that first 1/70 of a second indicates the presence of a communication system that is, for all intents and purposes, instantaneous. It appears that the holodynes that register danger to one bird, also exist in the entire flock. This is the basis of individual and collective consciousness.  

In quantum computers this is referred to as CORE processing. The equation for one cycle of memory resembles the following:
T= 3.24 trillion qubits
T= 1/2Ta + 1/2Tb
1/2Ta = (3.24 trillion qubits - input stimulus)/2 + input stimulus
1/2Tb = (3.24 trillion qubits + input stimulus)/2 - input stimulus

Packets of information or harmonics of information and consciousness would resemble oscillons. (Umbanhowar's Home Page and movie of a oscillon is at http://chaos.ph.utexas.edu/~pbu/home.html ) The efficiency of the CORE processor to due quantum computation is of interesting value to holodynamists. 

The efficiency of energy compared to productive information is one of the concerns. Hempfling (1998) recognizes the energy concern in quantum computations. Some are worried that current efforts by others have put more energy into the quantum computational process than has been received as information from the efforts. A ratio of energy in/energy out or 1:1 ratio would be ideal for a quantum computation system. While it is claimed this upper limit is reached by the CORE processor, microtubules have a much more efficient system. Since a single molecular string can transmit both information and energy, the quantum harmonic of a single holodyne can resonate in such a way as to draw energy from zero point within a quantum field. In this way, once an updraft choice is made, the holodynes aligned with the choice, draw life energy into the biological system from the quantum field connection to hyperspace, transmit this energy to the "danger" holodyne that then transmits its information into the biological system via Frohleck's frequencies. 

This entire process is enhanced by the biological system via food intake, photosynthesis and other symbiotic relationships thus giving the quantum dynamic a corresponding anchoring effect. 

In computers, an effort is usually made to overcome limits in a binary environment by increasing CPU speeds. This provides an illusion and comfort zone that this is the correct way to creating a quantum computer. Parallel computation also supports the illusion of progress, yet it is only simultaneous binary calculations. How effective can a system be if it only works on one calculation at a time? The goal in quantum calculations is the interaction of trillions of qubits at the same time. This goal simulates microtubule calculations and is said to have been accomplished in some cases, as in a CORE processor. 

It is important to note that the quantum memory in a Trilogic CORE processor is significantly larger than its inputs. The inputs are processed as a whole. The inputs are only a small part of the whole Dynamic System. This seeded value then is ratio enhanced by using a 28 hertz clock rate in relation to a 1 hertz input rate. This means the memory rate is operating at a faster rate than the input allowing a global interaction of the information with all other information. This then allows a machine to be in control of itself 28 times faster than the environmental input. 

In a quantum potential field it is theoretically possible for the internal clock to be set at infinity (minus 1 so it can manifest in space and time). The quantum field does not have to be limited to our space-time continuum. Thus information coming in would confront a memory system operating beyond our comprehension in speed. All sensory input could be given form, spun and stored at leisure and the entire collective could respond in neutral position until, in relative time, physical reality could anchor the new information. 

 Within a quantum computer, information is placed into String Memory and each clock pulse pushes the memory to a value lower in the stack. The more congruent an input to memory, the more that memory will be supported in the stack resulting in a larger amplitude of memory value and a system which learns by association. 

Theoretically then, the entire memory of humanity, of all life, could be contained within the collective field. Stored in a holographic liquid environment, made of the water molecules in each microtubule, the "stacking" process is replaced by a quantum superposition of bipolar opposites found in the spinning motion of the water molecules and complemented by the effects of both sensory input and hyperspacial input. Even parallel worlds, all other life forms, every conceivable bit of information, could be stored within a single microtubule contained within the tail of a single sperm or the wall of the egg cell. 

We can both inherit this information as it passes on from one generation to the next, and also have access to it from the quantum potential field via our microtubules and their quantum dynamics. Thus the holographic paradigm, "What is known to the part is known to the whole and what is known to the whole is known to the part" makes sense in a conscious universe.  

This method of storing information and creating consciousness is nonmagnetic and does not create magnetic fields. (Note that information in motion shows up at some levels of body motion, as in the motion of blood flowing through the arteries, and this does create a magnetic field effect. So there are exceptions). Why are we using these procedures in making a simple quantum computer? By knowing the basic process of consciousness, we are duplicating those processes in electronic circuits. 

To further understand, as simply as possible, these processes consider the following: Ghahramani and Wolpert (1997) reports evidence that visual motor learning occurs through modular decomposition. Modular decomposition occurs when information is broken down into two or more variables. Proof of learning can be measured from the interaction of variables. Any learning task involves learning two or more variables at the same time. This is similar to Osgood's scale for measuring experiences. 

Take, for example, a dichotomy scale of "good 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 bad". The quality of goodness is learned through experience and paradoxically the quality of badness is also learned through experience. A feeling or behavior can be measured by mixing modular components. We have named these components "holodynes." Holodynes, as self organizing information systems, specialize in the use of information created by learning. They send hierarchical gaussian mixtures to create generalizations or multiple relationships. The central limit principle and the resulting gaussian normal curve is a natural consequence of summing interacting relational information. Thus the emerging nature of consciousness manifests as a growing maturity in collective awareness.

This relationship results from the assumption that each holodyne is responsible for an equal variance gaussian region around its preferred starting location, which corresponds to its receptive field. Holodynes that specialize in processes using the good/bad dichotomy can be illustrated by a receptive neurological field for good and a receptive neurological field for bad with both sending a signal of their respective weights for integration. Gaussian mixtures allow calculations. All calculations or possible relationships are calculated through the interaction of the receptive field. The integration or conscious/unconscious singularity/duality, or the Full Potential Self, CHOOSES the application for the current stimulus situation from wavelet interaction with the stimulus. From a classical or particle perspective, there is no special or hypothetical area deciding which choice is made. It is determinism. From a quantum perspective it is pure probability or perhaps both determinism and probability mixed together. In other words, it is not necessary that you experience everything to know a particular case. It is global and local. From a holodynamic view, it is both and much more. 

In a holodynamic conscious universe, information coming from hyperspacial dimensions is self organized into one's Full Potential Self. This allows the greatest potential to unfold within that set of circumstances that makes up you, your body, and your life. This information potential remains at zero, or beyond being involved in the bipolar dynamics of particle and wave energy forms. It is at choice. From within our particle mind or our quantum hearts, it is impossible to imagine the elements of complexity that make up our potential until, at least, we allow ourselves to shift into that state of being beyond space and time. We can imagine and shift into that state as a natural part of our own consciousness since all consciousness is known to the part, and since it works in practical life.

Consider the case of modulating a fountain pen in from of your eyes. It will look as if it is made of rubber. Now put the modulating pen in front of your computer monitor and you will see that it is made of particles or multiple pens. This illustrates a perceptual manifestation of modular interaction. The modulation model was a significantly better fit to describe the observed behavior than a linear model. A linear constraint model would predict a linear generalization pattern. This was not confirmed by the data. 

While each experiment takes place, one understands the pen in not rubber nor is it a multiplisity of pens. In reality, one can understand the pen in relationship to oneself, independent of how one experiences the particle or wave dynamics. It is a writing instrument or any other things I choose it to be at any given moment in time. 

How then, do we know? What gives meaning to an event? 

From a quantum perspective, the visumotor system has limited generalization to novel events which suggests local receptive field structures. The experimental results "show that learning two new visumotor mappings, whether represented as vectors or postures, at two starting locations, leads to a smooth sigmoidal generalization at intermediate locations." Meaning comes from experience and interaction with one's current situation. 

The strange thing is that you do not have to know to learn. The research may be interpreted to support Correlational Opponent-Processing for the following reasons:  

  1. gaussian receptive fields model is supported,

  2. modulation interaction that is sigmoidal supports wavelet interaction,

  3. simultaneous multiple learning supports global interaction and local interaction, and

  4. visumotor areas are functioning as activating and inhibitory centers.

All these events are a normal consequence of the wavelet nature of neuro processing . The neuro structure is a global history of previous and current environmental stimulations. Behavior is never dependent upon a single neuron. This process is almost identical to the formation of physical oscillons in a vibrating system with two frequencies (Umbanhowar, Melo, and Swinney 1996). Oscillons modulate and exist due to the unseen wavelet interactions of the two frequencies and the history of the system. Oscillons are the observable memory in a vibrating system. That memory is made up of a positive particle phase oscillon and a negative particle phase oscillon. This particle oscillon can be thought of as a figure and the apparent noise oscillations around the oscillon as background. One provides context while the other provides content.

Notice memory consists then of figure and ground, local and global, long-term potentiation and long-term desensitization, short-term potentiation and short-term desensitization with all modulating in time. Memory then is dependent upon reference frequencies, stimulus overwrite on that frequency from a sensory field, correlational opponent filters, oscillating oscillons created by interaction wavelets by using neurotransmitters and evoked potentials. This models the quantum dilemma of particle and wave at the same time. 

Vannucci and Corradi (1997) at the University of Kent at Canterbury, UK have written an interesting paper that relates to these issues. The paper concerns wavelet shrinkage techniques through orthogonal and linear wavelet transformations, which allow decomposition of noisy data into a set of wavelet coefficients so that noise can be removed by shrinking the coefficients. NTC - Neutronics Technologies Corporation's CORE processor uses similar methods to form wavelets and oscillons and to reduce noise by simply dividing the information into oppositional halves. One half of a stimulus history interacts with current input data which forms a new history. Stable oscillons and wavelets of memory form from this interaction. 

Within the microtubules this polarization into oppositional halves is not necessary. The entire memory system is wrapped in a molecular tube made of thirteen "dimer" switches. Each dimer is shaped like two kernels of corn hinged together on one side. The kernels, so to speak, can move. When the hinge  is open, the valence changes to positive. When the hinge is closed, the valence changes to negative. When it is in between, the valence become neutral. 

Water molecules, forming geometric designs within the resonating oscillating holodynes, function as a three dimensional liquid memory storage medium. Fed by information from inherited holodynes, stimulated by constant input from the senses, and floating with a quantum field of emerging potential, these holodynes are constantly interacting to form dynamic memory. Not limited by space or time, memory grows according to its own order and then is anchored by physical responses. Thus the valence of the dimers, the formation of MAPS, the biological correlates of cell division, neural responses and all other forms of biological functions, including memory, thought and feelings, are part of a multidimensional consciousness. 

The Bayesian model is a summation statistical model with a mean of zero with gaussian high and low bypass filters for wavelet extraction. This describes the basic fine grained and gross grained screening effect of each sensory input prior to its being spun in preparation for entry into the microtubules. It also describes the CORE processor of the quantum computer. The mother wavelet generated by this Bayesian model suggests why Ricci, a NTC robot, can have self control and self directed behavior. Mother wavelets would represent, from a philosophical point of view, an idea or correspondence to a schema in the environment. Visual symbolic representation of this is suggested by eigenfunction pictures which correlate with the fact that holodynes control human behavior. 

Covarience structures of seemingly random wavelet coefficients allows learning and creativity to occur. It is recognized, however, that seemingly random wavelet coefficients may be a reflection of a deeper, implicate order as are found in fractals where apparently random numbers, when put through a specific formula (as in r + r squared) produce magnificent orders within orders of beauty. This deeper order is reflected in the holodynamic model as the Full Potential Self and is considered the originator of every order of human consciousness within the human being. 

In quantum computers it would appear that any mother wavelet must have harmonic wavelets of lower strength. This supports Ghahramani and Wolpert's (1997) conclusions and  observations of generalization and modulation in visumotor learning. Additional research is suggested by Vannucci and Corradi's report of using BayesShink on blocks, bumps, heavisine and Doppler signals seeded with gaussian white noise. The BayesShink is successful in recovering the data with the exception of the Doppler signal. 

The Doppler signal is distorted at the beginning of the signal. This wavelet interpretation of neuro processing should demonstrate problems then in a Doppler signal and allow a way to find problems in the model. In a like matter, human awareness seems to have a built in self modifier. This self modifier allows one to consciously access one's Full Potential Self or information source, negotiate for self correction and thus adjust the system so it works more to one's satisfaction in this space-time continuum. 

In summary, consciousness, quantum computers, artificial intelligence, and the holodynamic model of reality, are based upon similar principles, The comparison of each allows distinct insights into consciousness that help bridge the gap between classical physics, quantum physics and holodynamic models of reality. Machines demonstrate the ability to adapt, self-organize, to surpass bipolar dynamics and maintain a superposition. They can be both "on" and "off" at the same time. They are capable of computations at hyper-speeds, involving trillions of possibilities, and faster than thought. They can process information without using energy. They can use linear, quantum, and superposition processes at the same time. When one part of the information system resets, the entire system resets accordingly. The processes of human consciousness are similar although quantum computers have not achieved anywhere near the sophistication of nature's handiwork. Comparing the mechanisms and processes leads to deeper insights into the understanding of consciousness and artificial intelligence.  


Blue, R & Blue, W. (1996). Correlational Opponent Processing: A Unifying Principle. available at http://www.enticypress.com  

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The material detailed in this paper is covered by filing status with the United States Patent and Trademark Office

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